Disability&illness management (UK)

I would love to see what we can collectively come up with here! I’ll start the ball rolling. 

First of all, I’d like to see three or so categories (colours) of stickers. 1)  medmin [medical admin] 2) bodyshop [all the actual appointments, treatment at home or in a healthcare venue. Some that are relevant from my pov include:-

1) chase referral; prep notes for appointment; writeup notes & actions from appointment; diarise actions; research specific issue; write to GP; review results; review letter; reschedule appointment; chase healthcare provider; insurance claim; payment; make appointment; link up doctors; review health plan; chase pharmacy; order meds; diarise meds orders; audit meds stock; update meds stocklist; pickup meds; stay in for meds delivery; book dog sitter; call meds delivery service; meds delivery date; draft complaint; talk through with partner; talk through with friend; call pharmacy hospital; call local pharmacy; do dossets; 

2) dialysis fill; dialysis drain. bloods appointment; scan appointment; video appointment; clinic appointment; PET test; GP appointment; diabetes nurse appointment; dietitian appointment; infusion appointment; ultrasound appointment; delay taking meds before bloods; drink lots of water; collect urine sample; deposit urine sample; injection at home; apply new medical device; scan medical device; take emergency meds
Looking forward to see if others would find it useful :)


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Sticker Sheet Request
8 months ago, EllieM