Shower detail

I would love more detailed stickers for showering. My 8-year-old son has autism  and ADHD and gets so distracted in the shower. Some of these stickers already exist, but here is what I would be looking for:

turn on water, start shower (pull up diverter), get washcloth wet, wash face, squeeze out washcloth, put soap on sponge, lather soap + sponge, wash body, hang up sponge, rinse body, get hair wet, get shampoo, wash hair, rinse hair, get conditioner, put conditioner in hair, rinse hair, turn off water, get towel, dry off face, dry off legs, dry between legs, dry off arms, dry chest and belly, dry back, clean out ears, comb hair

Also - a “take shower” sticker to add to morning and evening routine charts - the ones we have all say “bathtime” 

Thanks for your consideration! Your products are amazing - my kids and I really love them!


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Sara, 7 months ago
Love this! Thank you so much!
Sticker Sheet Request
7 months ago, Rachel Stefaniw