"Whole Month" Boards

Hi!  First your products have been a huge game changer for me, thank you!  I love the current boards, they’re great!  Is it possible to add a month one?  I’m a flight attendant with AuDHD so I’m constantly fighting myself, and my schedule varies so much that I need to be able to see the entire month at a glance both to keep me on track and also to schedule appointments and commitments.  I’m currently using a basic one I made on dry erase chalk paper but I’d love to have visual continuity if that makes sense?  Thank you again!


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Laura Kajpust, 5 months ago
+1, my daughter has severe anxiety and ADHD and having a month view has been great for us. We bought a month calendar white board like this one: amazon.com/gp/product/B0BY8V6K...

We usually only put one or two mighty & bright magnets on a day, and usually used for "bigger" events. She has trouble visualizing time, and having this longer out view helps her feel reassured to know when exactly something is happening and if it is far way or closer. We used it so I could put travel magnets for days I was out of town for work, and sometimes the days lap from one week to another, so it was reassuring to her to both see the number of days I'd be gone at once and for her to remove a magnet for each day I'm gone. We also used it to show when school was starting and holidays. We use a plain colored magnet for "today" and she also likes moving it to the next day which helps her see how time moves not just on a weekly basis, but a month.

We do have recurring weekly items, like swim class, OT, and speech on there as well that we just move down to the next week after they're done. The problem we had with a week view was things in the next week still felt like surprises, but we also didn't want to manage multiple boards. This has worked really well for us, and I feel like it could work for others too. I also like that the board we have is one I can carry around to different rooms. Though I mostly use the back right now for storing extra magnets and stickers we're not currently using, I could definitely see it being useful to have one side a day schedule view and the other side the month view.
Sara, 9 months ago
Thank you so much for your feedback - we're so glad they're helping! How many spots would you want on each day? The main thing that's kept us from doing this is the SIZE it would have to be - Right now we recommend using multiple weekly charts at a time to create a perpetual calendar. We'd love to know your thoughts on that!
+ 10
Misc Feedback
9 months ago, warmsugarcookie@hotmail.com