I'd love to see a set for people who are spiritual/religious. Not focused on any one religion, but prayer, meditation, reading holy/inspirational literature, time in nature, community service/kind deeds, visiting a relig (...)
LOVE these visual schedules. My husband and I have been searching for a better way to track our monthly expenses and visualize which monthly payments are still upcoming vs all paid, to help us budget more effectively. A (...)
As a neurodivergent young adult going into college, i know im going to need extra help with things im not used to doing, that don't totally fall under kids category or adults category (doing homework, going to class, goi (...)
I’d like a combination of daily/weekly/monthly items like watering, mowing, and whatever else you’re supposed to do, plus seasonal stuff like planting, re-seeding, fertilizing, etc. I keep looking for lists of what needs (...)
Things like self care/chores which are done daily or multiple times a week really need more stickers. For instance, under self care there are multiple facial care routines/moisturizer use but only one shower. 2/3 showers (...)
Things for kids and adults: yoga, swim lessons, sports practice, music class, Brazilian jiu jitsu, tutoring, etc
We would love to have stickers to mark foods we need to eat in the next few days vs things that have more time. As a family full of various neurodivergent brains, we're all bad about remembering we have raspberries in th (...)
I would love to see what we can collectively come up with here! I’ll start the ball rolling. First of all, I’d like to see three or so categories (colours) of stickers. 1) medmin [medical admin] 2) bodyshop [ (...)
Medically complex kids Also hygiene - include bathe under arms, booties, so they don’t have just elbows and knees cleaned.
Would love a sheet of stickers dedicated to parents of newborns (i.e. clean bottles, restock diaper bag, etc.)
I would love to see instrument specific small sticker sheets for piano, violin, guitar, drums, etc!
Want to submit something? We're looking forward to your ideas.
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